random conversation with artists on the street.
Related texts
- Bennett, O. Shaw, P & Allen, K (1999) 'Partners and Providers. The Role of HEIs in the Provision of Cultural and Sports Facilities to the Wider Public, HEFCE.
- Gibson Garvey, S (2008) 'Canada's High-Performing University Galleries', MUSE, July/August
- Hamilton, J (1995) 'The Role of the University Curator in the 1990's', Museum Management and Curatorship, 14 (I), pp. 73-79.
- Kelly, M (1999) 'The Management of Higher Education Museums, Galleries and Collections in the UK', International Centre for Higher Education Management, Occasional Paper No.7, University of Bath.
- Museums Association (1992) Museums and Higher Education (Annual Report), The Museums Association, London
- Northern Ireland Museums Council (2002?) A Survey of the University Collections in Northern Ireland.
- Weeks, Jane (2000) 'The Lonelines of a University Museum Curator', Museum International, Vol 52 issue 2, (April-June 2000), pp.10-14.
- Willumson, Glenn (2000) 'the Shifting Audience of the University Museum', Museum International, Volume 52 Issue 2 (April - June 2000), pp.15-18.